Must be nice...

I really can't stand that's right up there with "that's the way the cookie crumbles". I was hardwired from a young age to believe that life is a constant grind and that the majority of people just live paycheck to paycheck until the day they die and the majority of you reading this are likely thinking "yup". 

I've been reading self help books for around 25 years. There's been some good stuff in there that was really helpful but nothing has gotten me past my limiting beliefs about money. That struggle is so deeply ingrained that I was starting to feel like it was impossible to overcome but what I realized just yesterday was that it's because I never follow through with what these people are telling me to do because I don't really believe what they are telling me to do will actually work. 

Here's what I've learned...subconsciously you believe certain things and that ends up being who you are. Think & Become.

Example: I believe at my core that I don't care about money and if I did care about money it would change me into a shitty person. (Fixed mindset)

Outcome: Money is a constant struggle.

I know on a conscious level that I do care about money and when I have it life is easier and it doesn't turn me into a shitty person...but good luck convincing my subconscious mind.

Side note: I'm not talking about stupid money. I'm talking about having enough money to pay your bills and not to have to worry about paying said bills for 6-12 months if something were to go wrong. Essentially, no debt and a cushion in the bank.

It's January 15th, 2025 and, so far, this year has been the same grind with constant roadblocks, problems etc. and I was hitting a major frustration point. Yesterday, I text my cousin to see if he's all good with the fires that are going on down south (LA county). He's all good and tells me about a new book he's reading. He actually finished it and is now rereading it. I'm in...what's it called?

Change your Paradigm, Change your Life

I'm now working on changing my paradigm about money and made a little coin for myself to carry as a daily reminder. (Growth mindset) If you struggle with anything in your life, I highly recommend this book (you don't need my coin). If you think self help books are cheesy, well, you probably have life completely figured out and this is a waste of your time.