Be an Eagle

Ten years ago this month, I started a thing with my dad. It wasn't a big thing, just a cool way to spend some time and make him some extra money. In short, if it weren't for my dad, this business would have never been. Six and a half years later, he got hit with cancer of multiple types. Eight months after that, he was gone. Those of you that have been around already know this story but I figure it's worth repeating on the ten year anniversary of J. L. L.

I'm not exactly sure the reason, but my dad loved eagles. Funny that after someone is gone, you think of 100 things you should have asked but didn't. Most likely, he just thought they were cool. He had a horrible, off the wall, eagle tattoo on his left shoulder. Kills me that I don't have a photo of it but, for these reasons, I wanted to incorporate an eagle in the ten year design as an homage. I thought a clever quote would be appropriate and after a quick search, found this amazing story, Be an Eagle, about eagles and this choice they have in their lives at around 40 years. They have the option to die or go through this amazing metamorphosis to live another 30 years. (read the story here) Pretty quickly, I figured this story sounded feeble so did some more searching and discovered it was total B.S. Why someone would make up such a thing in order to motivate people is beyond my comprehension but it's the type of story that my dad would have loved. Not the motivational part, but the B.S. part. As he would have said regarding the lie, "I got a kick out of that". I can just see him chuckling over such a thing whenever it came up and would have likely become his tagline for a good year or so. For that reason, Be an Eagle, is the official ten year anniversary mantra and our inside joke.

To say thank you for all of your support over the years sounds pretty generic at this point so all I can say is that I don't know what to say. I'm overwhelmed by the fact that you guys visit the site and trust your hard earned money with me. Many of you also use your precious time to sit and write to me when you love what you've received and it blows my mind every time. These facts are never lost on me and I will be eternally grateful.

Thank you for the last ten years. I'm looking forward to improving and shaping the brand even more over the next ten.

Be an Eagle! (chuckle, chuckle)

Grab a limited edition shirt!

Anthony Lawson
June 2021