
Thought Criminal



The second homage to one of my favorite novels, 1984.

Are you a Thoughtcriminal?


Available in solid Bronze, solid Copper or solid .999 Silver

Limited Edition | 100 Bronze • 100 Copper • 50 Fine Silver

Minted and finished by hand in the U.S.

Thoughtcrime is a word coined by George Orwell in his 1949 dystopian novel 1984. It describes a person's politically unorthodox thoughts, such as unspoken beliefs and doubts that contradict the tenets of Ingsoc (English Socialism), the dominant ideology of Oceania. In the official language of Newspeak, the word crimethink describes the intellectual actions of a person who entertains and holds politically unacceptable thoughts; thus the government of the Party controls the speech, the actions and the thoughts of the citizens of Oceania. In contemporary English usage, the word thoughtcrime describes beliefs that are contrary to accepted norms of society, and is used to describe theological concepts, such as disbelief and idolatry, and the rejection of an ideology.

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Thought Criminal

